DLOG_1001_Custom Put DLOG.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=352, y2=255 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1001 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_1000_Custom Open DLOG.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=399, y2=283 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 1000 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_191_AC Select Station_Patrol Type.txt Bounds: x1=42, y1=34, x2=330, y2=224 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 191 Title: '' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_190_Cycle Manager.txt Bounds: x1=51, y1=58, x2=329, y2=198 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 190 Title: 'Cycle Manager Percentages' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_189_Name Change.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=406, y2=153 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 189 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_188_Nav Zone Selection.txt Bounds: x1=10, y1=30, x2=314, y2=324 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 188 Title: '' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_187_ARM Target Selection.txt Bounds: x1=10, y1=30, x2=502, y2=374 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 187 Title: '' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_186_Rename Mission.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=406, y2=153 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 186 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_185_Edit Mission Nouns_Adjectives.txt Bounds: x1=14, y1=36, x2=332, y2=369 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 185 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_184_AirInterceptDlog.txt Bounds: x1=8, y1=28, x2=502, y2=374 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 184 Title: 'Ready Aircraft' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_183_Status Report.txt Bounds: x1=2, y1=41, x2=511, y2=383 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 183 Title: 'Status Report' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_182_Unit Status.txt Bounds: x1=300, y1=60, x2=512, y2=384 ProcID: 0 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 182 Title: 'Unit Status' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_181_Select Station_Patrol Type.txt Bounds: x1=42, y1=34, x2=263, y2=201 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 181 Title: '' Auto position: 0xA80A (center on parent window) DLOG_180_FormWindow Preferences.txt Bounds: x1=62, y1=34, x2=409, y2=371 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 180 Title: '' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_179_Edit Waypoint orders.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=371, y2=235 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 179 Title: 'Orders at Waypoint' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_178_Custom Difficulty Settings.txt Bounds: x1=8, y1=28, x2=413, y2=282 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 178 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_177_Difficulty Level.txt Bounds: x1=8, y1=28, x2=276, y2=247 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 177 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_176_Side Selection.txt Bounds: x1=8, y1=28, x2=502, y2=312 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 176 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_175_End of Scenario Evaluation.txt Bounds: x1=8, y1=28, x2=502, y2=376 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 175 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_174_Resignation Picture.txt Bounds: x1=8, y1=28, x2=502, y2=376 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 174 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_173_Load BattleSet.txt Bounds: x1=14, y1=32, x2=500, y2=377 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 173 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_172_Window Menu Scenario Info.txt Bounds: x1=16, y1=38, x2=471, y2=349 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 172 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_171_Current Orders.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=470, y2=290 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 171 Title: 'Current Orders' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_170_Order Of Battle.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=470, y2=290 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 170 Title: 'Order Of Battle' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_169_Ready Aircraft.txt Bounds: x1=8, y1=28, x2=500, y2=376 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 169 Title: 'Ready Aircraft' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_168_How Many?.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=194, y2=142 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 168 Title: 'How Many?' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_167_Reload (Logistics toolbar button).txt Bounds: x1=10, y1=30, x2=502, y2=374 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 167 Title: '' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_166_Symbol Legend.txt Bounds: x1=4, y1=42, x2=506, y2=378 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 166 Title: 'Symbol Legend' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_165_Launch Aircraft.txt Bounds: x1=12, y1=32, x2=498, y2=374 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 165 Title: 'Assign Aircraft to Mission' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_164_Edit Missions.txt Bounds: x1=8, y1=28, x2=502, y2=376 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 164 Title: 'Edit Missions' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_163_Create Mission.txt Bounds: x1=10, y1=32, x2=504, y2=340 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 163 Title: 'Create Mission' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_162_Game Preferences.txt Bounds: x1=18, y1=67, x2=399, y2=356 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 162 Title: 'Game Preferences' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_161_Platform Picture.txt Bounds: x1=95, y1=89, x2=420, y2=303 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 161 Title: 'Platform Picture' Auto position: 0xA80A (center on parent window) DLOG_160_Missions Intermittence.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=258, y2=248 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 160 Title: 'ECM Intermittence' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_159_ECM Intermittence.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=250, y2=251 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 157 Title: 'ECM Intermittence' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_158_Sonar Intermittence.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=250, y2=251 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 157 Title: 'Sonar Intermittence' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_157_Radar Intermittence.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=250, y2=251 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 157 Title: 'Radar Intermittence' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_156_Sensors.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=365, y2=251 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 156 Title: 'Sensors' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_155_Submarine Speed_Depth.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=303, y2=244 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 155 Title: '' Auto position: 0xA80A (center on parent window) DLOG_154_Plane Speed_Altitude.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=371, y2=218 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 154 Title: '' Auto position: 0xA80A (center on parent window) DLOG_153_Surface Unit Speed.txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=240, y2=218 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 153 Title: '' Auto position: 0xA80A (center on parent window) DLOG_152_Map Preferences.txt Bounds: x1=1, y1=42, x2=508, y2=346 ProcID: 0 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 152 Title: 'Map Preferences' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_151_SaveScenarioInfo.txt Bounds: x1=52, y1=92, x2=549, y2=375 ProcID: 5 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 151 Title: 'SaveScenarioInfo' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_150_OpenScenarioInfo.txt Bounds: x1=52, y1=92, x2=541, y2=332 ProcID: 5 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 150 Title: 'OpenScenarioInfo' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_149_GetScenarioInfo.txt Bounds: x1=16, y1=94, x2=505, y2=293 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 149 Title: 'GetScenarioInfo' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_148_WeatherColors.txt Bounds: x1=1, y1=40, x2=300, y2=380 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 148 Title: 'Select Weather Colors' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_147_Yes_No Staff Window.txt Bounds: x1=24, y1=60, x2=338, y2=223 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 147 Title: 'Staff Message' Auto position: 0x380A (stagger on main screen) DLOG_146_Continue Staff Window.txt Bounds: x1=24, y1=60, x2=338, y2=223 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 146 Title: 'Staff Message' Auto position: 0x380A (stagger on main screen) DLOG_145_AddSide.txt Bounds: x1=51, y1=58, x2=343, y2=138 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 145 Title: 'Add a Side' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_144_Attack Dialog.txt Bounds: x1=10, y1=30, x2=502, y2=374 ProcID: 1 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 144 Title: '' Auto position: 0x680A (center on parent window's screen) DLOG_143_MapColors.txt Bounds: x1=6, y1=41, x2=506, y2=339 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 143 Title: 'Select Map Colors' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_142_GameColors.txt Bounds: x1=1, y1=39, x2=508, y2=361 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 142 Title: 'Select Game Colors' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_141_WeaponDisplay.txt Bounds: x1=10, y1=43, x2=498, y2=355 ProcID: 12 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 141 Title: 'Weapon Display' DLOG_140_MountDisplay.txt Bounds: x1=10, y1=43, x2=498, y2=351 ProcID: 12 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 140 Title: 'Mount Display' DLOG_139_SensorDisplay.txt Bounds: x1=6, y1=42, x2=498, y2=354 ProcID: 12 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 139 Title: 'Sensor Display' DLOG_138_PlatformDisplay.txt Bounds: x1=7, y1=43, x2=503, y2=380 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 138 Title: 'Platform Display' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_137_Postures.txt Bounds: x1=7, y1=43, x2=439, y2=247 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 137 Title: 'Postures' DLOG_136_Sides.txt Bounds: x1=51, y1=58, x2=483, y2=278 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 136 Title: 'Sides' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_135_SelectUnit.txt Bounds: x1=51, y1=58, x2=279, y2=326 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 135 Title: 'Select Unit' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_134_AddAUnit.txt Bounds: x1=51, y1=58, x2=238, y2=235 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 134 Title: 'Unit Type' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_133_Memory Remaining.txt Bounds: x1=51, y1=58, x2=297, y2=193 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 133 Title: 'System Memory Statistics' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_132_Don't change anything in this. RWK..txt Bounds: x1=40, y1=40, x2=280, y2=240 ProcID: 0 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 132 Title: '' DLOG_131_Message.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0 ProcID: 12 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 131 Title: 'Messages' DLOG_130_Game Status.txt Bounds: x1=180, y1=172, x2=416, y2=268 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 130 Title: 'Game Status' DLOG_129_NewScenario.txt Bounds: x1=1, y1=42, x2=508, y2=295 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 129 Title: 'New Scenario' Auto position: 0x280A (center on main screen) DLOG_128_TimeCompression.txt Bounds: x1=108, y1=101, x2=334, y2=227 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 128 Title: 'Time Compression'